Norwood United Church & St. Andrew's United (Westwood)

The United Church of Canada
in Norwood & Westwood
Website was updated on Jan, 22nd 2025 -
St. Andrew's United Church (Westwood)
An Affirming Ministry within The United Church of Canada
Established 1833
St. Andrew’s United Church, Westwood:
176 Centre Line
Westwood, Ontario
(at the corner of Country Road 38
and Centre Line)
- was established in 1833,
- built a brick and mortar church in 1852.
Our beautiful historic building is still in weekly use more than a century and a half later! Its exterior is much the same as it was, but there have been many renovations inside as they were needed:
- a basement, dug in 1952 with kitchen and fellowship hall
- extensive redecoration of the Sanctuary in the 1960's
- a restroom (upstairs)
- a chairlift to make the downstairs more accessible
- rainbow coloured glass enhancing the sanctuary windows
Our congregation is:
- small, warm and friendly
- rural and progressive
​- active in many aspects of community life, quietly the hands and feet of Christ in the world.
We sing from:
Voices United
More Voices
Our choir is:
- faithful and enthusiastic!
- small and mighty
​​Coffee Hour:
-hosted by one or other church committee
-usually on the 3rd Sunday of the month
-organize luncheons for funerals or special occasions
Our Social Functions Committee, comprised of women and men, is very active in its endeavours to support the work of our congregation (and all who help have lots of fun in the process!).
We are an Affirming Congregation:
In October 2016, in an "Open Meeting" of the Session, the congregation agreed that the Affirming Vision Statement prepared by our "Re-Affirm United Study Group," and adopted by the Session in September 2016, reflects "who we have been, are, and wish to be at St. Andrew's United Church (Westwood)." We will continue to refine our Action Plan as we live it out as an Affirming congregation with The United Church of Canada. Being "Affirming" means we intend to show our commitment to diversity and inclusion through our actions, actions that are public, intentional and explicit. We put into action our conviction that God’s love welcomes all, without limit or restriction. We deliberately declare our congregation to be a safe haven for all who are on the margins. Our very joyful Affirming Ministry celebration was held on Sunday May 7, 2017!

Affirming Vision Statement *
We, the people of St. Andrew’s United Church, Westwood are
striving to be a Christian community.
We live our faith by worshipping God together in Christ, respecting and caring for all people regardless of age, gender, race, sexual orientation,
gender identity, ability, ethnic background, and economic circumstance, welcoming all into full participation in the life and work of our ministry.
We are learning and growing in the Spirit, valuing our heritage, nurturing our children, and extending ourselves beyond the church walls into the world.
* Adopted by The Session of St. Andrew's (Westwood) on September 14, 2016, and agreed to by the people of St. Andrew's at an "Open Session Meeting" on October 2, 2016 as reflecting who we have been, are, and want to be, as a congregation.
Note: The Affirming Vision Statement is inspired by, and additional to, the Mission Statement of the Norwood-Westwood Pastoral Charge.

St Andrew's United Church, Westwood is looking for a musical director/pianist/organist. Call the church office with inquiries.