Norwood United Church & St. Andrew's United (Westwood)

The United Church of Canada
in Norwood & Westwood
Website was updated on Jan, 22nd 2025 -
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Can I get married at St. Andrew's or Norwood?
If you've found a life partner, Yes! Please contact the Church Office to make an appointment with the Minister to discuss your marriage request. Requests for Services of Marriage are brought to the Church Sessions (Elders) who are responsible for approving use of the Church Sanctuary. As you meet with the Minister, you will participate in preparing a marriage ceremony that reflects who you are as a couple. Please be in touch at least 6 months (or more) before the date you plan to be married. Normally there are no services during our Sabbath month of July (there have been exceptions). Both St. Andrew's (Westwood) and Norwood United Church welcome different and same-gender marriages.
Mission and Service
The work of The United Church of Canada across the country and around the world is funded by the Mission and Service (M&S) Fund. Members and supporters of the United Church know that it takes money to put our faith into action. In the M&S Fund we combine our gifts so that the work of the church can be done most effectively. The yearly objective for the whole United Church in 2018 was about $30 million. In 2018 St. Andrew’s and Norwood congregation members and U.C.W. contributed more than $15,000 to the Mission and Service Fund of The United Church of Canada, again exceeding our yearly objective! Thank you to each person, family and group whose generosity made this possible.
May we continue faithfully to see the vision and answer the call...

Sunday School
Is there Sunday School?
Both St. Andrew’s (Westwood) and Norwood United have had active Sunday Schools, but everything changed with the Covid19 pandemic. For many months, the Norwood Sunday School continued gathering online, and when appropriate, met in person (outside) observing physical distancing. Whether online, or continuing "in person" we have gifted and experienced teachers, who with other (mostly parent) volunteers assist our Sunday School, September through June. We always have two or more adults supervising children. In keeping with United Church policy, all adults, whether paid staff or volunteers, who regularly supervise children among us are required periodically to obtain police record checks.
There is a nursery for infants and toddlers at Norwood. During services, there’s an area at the back of the Sanctuary, complete with comfy chairs, where infants and toddlers may play quietly under the supervision a parent or another adult.
In normal times, the Norwood United Sunday School ran occasional mid-week "After School" Programmes during the school year. Most of our Sunday School children attend, and sometimes they bring friends, schoolmates or neighbours. Perhaps a waning pandemic will allow these to happen again.
Norwood United has an active youth group of congregation members and others which has continued online and in person (outdoor) gatherings, currently led by Ingram Bianco ("Youth Animator"). Please contact the Church Office for information about their activities.

Are the churches accessible?
The sanctuary at St. Andrew's United (Westwood) is served by a ramp, and a chair-lift gives access to the church hall downstairs. (The washroom at St. Andrew's is not currently wheelchair accessible.)
At Norwood, the side door closest to the parking area is at ground level. Two washrooms, adjacent to the Sanctuary, have recently been renovated to make them more accessible. One of the upstairs washrooms, and the lower level washroom, have diaper changing stations. An elevator gives access to the lower level, where there is an accessible washroom. All washrooms are gender neutral.
Both churches have public address systems. Wireless hearing assist devices (FM headset receivers) are available.
“Words only” copies of our hardcover hymnbook (“Voices United”) are available and have larger print. On request, we can produce larger print Orders of Service and words of hymns selected from "More Voices." Please contact the Church Office to request larger print worship materials.