Norwood United Church & St. Andrew's United (Westwood)

The United Church of Canada
in Norwood & Westwood
Website was updated on Jan, 22nd 2025 -
Norwood United Church
Established 1836
4264 Highway 7
Norwood, Ontario
(at the corner of County Road 45
and Hwy 7)
​Our congregation:
- is vibrant and friendly
- increasingly diverse
- joyously includes children
​- greets long time members and many who have come to the community more recently
- loves to eat
- in addition to "church" activities, our members are active in many aspects of community life, quietly the hands and feet of Christ in the world
Our worship
- includes all ages/stages
- is inclusive
- most Sundays, juice/coffee is served before church, many come early to enjoy a social time
- the Sunday School joins in the first part of worship before proceeding downstairs
- has a play area at the rear of the Sanctuary where younger children can play quietly (with an adult to supervise)
- is more about relationship than technology (though we use it when appropriate)
- has hearing assist devices available, for those who need them
Our music
- accompanied by organ and our concert grand piano (given through the generosity of donors, including the Sunday School, in 2012)
- we sing from Voices United & More Voices
​​- our small but capable Choir participates in Sunday worship and leads on other occasions, and will always welcome new voices!
​- Kerstin Walsh, lifelong member of our church, has been our Organist and Choir Director since 2013
- members of the church often contribute music with guitars and other instruments too
Our Sunday School
- is enthusiastic
- meets weekly during the school year
​- welcomes children from toddlers to pre & early teens
- has a nursery area with toddler toys
- has dedicated (police-checked) volunteer teachers for different age groups
​- hosts occasional well-attended After-School Programmes for our students and children in the community
- meets in recently re-decorated spaces
​- Emily Jones is our Coordinator of Children and Youth Ministries
- sings various times during the year at church and other places, and some who are learning to play musical instruments participate in pre-service recitals
​Our church building:
​- was dedicated in 1954, the year after a fire completely destroyed the previous limestone building
- is visibly at the centre of the community and made available (often) to various community groups and activities, including concerts and ecumenical services
- is accessible (mostly)
- level side-entrance
- equipped with an elevator,
- has 3 mobility friendly gender neutral washrooms (one downstairs)
- a diaper changing station on each level
​- has paved parking (2014)
- is well maintained
​Stained-glass windows renewed (2014)
Masonry was re-pointed (2015)
Chimney capped (2016)
Narthex, Sanctuary and Chancel re carpeted (2017)
Stained Glass Windows & Art
​- in the 1980's several families donated colourful stained glass windows that, in daytime, pour brilliant light through all sides of the Sanctuary. The windows illustrate scripture from Genesis to the Book of Revelation! Two expansive murals, depicting the Nativity and Crucifixion of Jesus, hang on the real wall just below the balcony.

From Norwood Session: re "Affirming”
As June begins with sunshine, warmth and the fragrance of spring flowers, Pride celebrations begin to take place in communities across the country. We wish the Two Spirit and LGBTQIA+ community a happy Pride month.
Thank you for your commitment to activism, to carving out space in places where there is reluctance and fear. Activism by people around the world who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer, as well as their straight allies, takes great courage, and while we have come far, there is still far to go.
This month, celebrate your victories big and small. You have earned each one of them. Allies, it is time tor new yo ur commitment to fighting alongside the 2SLGBTQIA+ community for a future where all can live in freedom and security and enjoy abundant life.